Mental Health
In 2017 the NAACP Boston Branch began working with McLean Hospital in an effort to focus on mental health by way of deconstructing stigma within communities of color. In 2018 we launched a collaborative mental campaign. Through this effort, we hope to bring a message of resilience, hope, and education to further encourage the Black community to access the supports we need.
Click here to learn more.
To take a FREE, confidential, and anonymous mental health screening, click here
The NAACP Boston Branch has been actively engaged in the work to help ensure access to testing and treatment options in the Black community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the NAACP Boston Branch had representation on both the City of Boston and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Health Equity task forces..
Maternal Health
With a focus on Black Maternal Health, the NAACP Boston Branch has been invited by the March of Dimes to provide feedback, guidance, and support in their launching of Better Start Boston. Together we will fight for the health of all moms and babies, advocating for policies to protect them, and working to radically improve the health care they receive.
For more information, please email info@naacpboston.org,