Officers & Executive Committee Members
Within the NAACP structure branch level leadership is volunteer service. Officers and other members of the Executive Committee of the Boston Branch of the NAACP serve as volunteers.
Tanisha M. Sullivan, Esq.
Rena Crosson
Chair, Finance
Renee Harper
Chair, Internal Audit
Chair, Scholarship
Arthur Kaynor
Executive Committee Member
Anthony Crosson
1st Vice President
Chair, Religious Affairs
Fatima Ali-Salaam
Chair, ACT-SO
Royal Smith
Co-Chair, ACT-SO
Johnny McInnis
2nd Vice President
Ed Burley
Chair, Legal Redress
Brandon Tilghman
Chair, Membership
Faarooq Sahabdeen
Cokiena Fuller
Chair, Labor & Industry
Quincey Roberts, Sr.
Chair, LGBTQ
Branch committees establish meeting schedules based on the availability of committee members. If you are interested in joining a committee, please call the Boston Branch at 617-427-9494 or email us at info@bostonnaacp.org for more information.